Thursday, May 29, 2008

Critic's Corner: Indiana Jones and the zzzzzzzz.....

Meh. That's about the level of enthusiasm I can muster for this one. Sure, some good chase scenes, special effects, an occasional witty zinger from Indy, but in general I was underwhelmed. Rent any of the first three to see a better movie. See this one if your jonesing (no pun intended. ok, kind of intended) for nostalgia must be quenched, or if you have a crush on Shia the Beef (my favorite is his Oscar-worthy work in "Holes").

Can Harrison Ford go back to playing presidents now?


Jon said...

I watched ten minutes of Rocky Balboa the other night, and read about a new Beverly Hills Cop earlier today. Are there any "safe" Hollywood legacies left? It's like the gift that Jar Jar Binks gave won't stop giving...

Sam Shyne said...

Evidently not:

Beverly Hills Cop 4.